Prospective & Retrospective Cohort for 15 years

우리는 치매 치료법과 예방법을 확인하였습니다. 

LEE, J. H., KANWAR, B., LEE, C. J., SERGI, C. & COLEMAN, M. D. 2022. Dapsone is an anticatalysis for Alzheimer’s disease exacerbation. iScience.

본 연구는 코호트와 논리 증명 연구이다.

귀무가설에 의한 부정당한 염증가설을 다시 증명하려면 논리학, 수학의 antithèse 를 사용했다. 

나환자에게 치매가 적은 것은 (염증 치료제인 답손 때문이 아니라) 한센균 때문이다. 라고 했을 때 이에 대한 antithèse  는 다음과 같다. 

답손을 (치매가 아닌) 나병이 없는 사람에게 투약 했을 때 치매가 발생하지 않는다.  

The First Cohort - prospective

We can use the antithèse of logistics & mathematics to reprove an inflammatory hypothesis wrong by the null hypothesis. This is not a case study. 

<  Dementia does not occur when dapsone is prescribed to a person without leprosy (not dementia) >

2008. The patient was diagnosed with MCI (mild cognitive impairment) with brain MRI findings.

2009-2019 We made a prospective cohort for the research of dementia syndrome

2010-2015 We prevented the progression of MCI to Alzheimer's disease in the cohort by a preventive agent. 

2016-2018 In Korea, the production of the prophylactic agent was ceased. The reason is that pharmaceutical companies gave up production because the price was so low by Health Insurance Corporation.

2018.6 Patient was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. The patient suffered from severe side effects after taking donepezil (Aricept).

2019.1 Patient returned to MCI after retaking the preventive medication. The patient imported the medicine from a German pharmaceutical company. 

The Second Cohort - a retrospective

1916. The Sorok island as a Japanese 'leper colony' was established to quarantine patients. 

1962. After graduating from nursing school at the University of Innsbruck Nursing School, Marianne, who worked at a hospital in Innsbruck, joined Sorok Island. 

1967. Sister Margaret entered Sorok Island in October 1967

2005. They left Sorok island and returned to their homeland. 

2005 - 2020. This study was conducted on the medical records of Sorokdo National Hospital.