경도인지장애와 치매, 알츠하이머병 치료기

Bronchitis, COPD, and pneumonia after viral endemic of patients with leprosy on Sorok Island in South Korea - Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of PharmacologyViral respiratory diseases (VRDs) cause lung inflammation and inflammatory cytokine production. We study whether dapsone is responsible for its observed preventive treatment effects of the sustained viral RNA interferon response. Around 2008 and 2012, Korea’s Dementia Management Act stipulated drastic changes in the administration of dementia medication by medical staff. Participants were randomized and we compared leprosy patients with VRDs after prescribing dapsone as a standard treatment from 2005 to 2019. Significance was evaluated based on the dapsone-prescribed (+) subgroup and the dapsone-unprescribed (−) subgroup of the VRD diagnosed (+) and VRD undiagnosed (−) subgroup. We analyzed VRD ( +)/(− with dapsone (+)/(−) group and used a T-test, and designed the equation of acetylation with dapsone and acetylcholine (AA) equation. The 6394 VRD participants who received the dapsone intervention compared to the 3255 VRD participants in the control group demonstrated at T2 VRD (+) dapsone (−) (mean (M) = 224.80, SD = 97.50): T3 VRD (−) dapsone (+) (M = 110.87, SD = 103.80), proving that VRD is low when dapsone is taken and high when it is not taken. The t value is 3.10, and the p value is 0.004395 (significant at p < 0.05). After an increase in VRDs peaked in 2009, bronchitis, COPD, and pneumonia surged in 2013. The AA equation was strongly negatively correlated with the prevalence of bronchitis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): with bronchitis, r(15) =  −0.823189, p = 0.005519, and with COPD, r(15) =  −0.8161, p = 0.000207 (significant at p < 0.05). Dapsone treated both bronchitis and COPD. This study provides theoretical clinical data to limit acetylcholine excess during the VRD pandemic for bronchitis, COPD, and pneumonia.

답손 복용 및 부작용 관리 지침 https://osf.io/9c7wz/

치매관리법과 과학

이종훈. 경도인지장애와 치매, 알츠하이머병 치료기. INFOMEDPRESS, 2022. https://books.google.co.kr/books?id=m3ZjEAAAQBAJ.  

답손 치료는 알츠하이머병에서 발생하는 인터페론 과다 생산을 억제하는 항촉매 반응을 사용합니다: 연구논문발표 Infomed Press. INFOMEDPRESS, 2022. https://books.google.co.kr/books?id=yeJwEAAAQBAJ.